Sean Walsh

I live in Dublin, Ireland. Sometimes. Most times I live in my head, quite unaware of my surroundings – if you know what I mean… If you succeed in tracking Sean Walsh, please let me know, ok? I've been searching for him for years…

New Leaf

Published on Wednesday 8th June 2016 by Sean Walsh

A priest from the Redempt’rist

came to give us the School Retreat

at the beginning of Lent…

Hell for all eternity – you could hear a pin drop –

then  the mercy of God that knows no limits…


(Fran Muldoon hasn’t cursed since

and Hughie Crosby broke it off

with Rose White…)


And I went to him for confession:

it was behind a screen in a classroom

in the Primary.

‘Shakin’ I was going down on the kneeler

but he wasn’t the same a tall

as when we were all together in the Hall

and he was telling us from the stage

that it only took one mortal sin…


So I was a new pin coming away.

Though I thought my turn would never come –

the lad before me was in with him for ages,

whatever was up…


By the end of the three days I didn’t know myself.

Walking on air I was on the way home

through the town – dark, rainswept, dismal –

but how was I to know? Wasn’t I in Heaven!

One hand in a coat pocket, fingering the beads

and me singing me heart out but so low

no one could hear –


Heart of Jesus… Heart of Jesus… 

Burning with love for me…

Inflame my heart, inflame my heart

With love, with love of Thee…


And he did, to be sure he did!  Inflame my heart.

‘Burnt into my very soul.  Lifted, I was. On fire!

A flame – oh, a furnace!

And then… Then?.. Ah-hh…


Copyright © 2024 Sean Walsh

Lovingly crafted by Design for Writers