Sean Walsh

I live in Dublin, Ireland. Sometimes. Most times I live in my head, quite unaware of my surroundings – if you know what I mean… If you succeed in tracking Sean Walsh, please let me know, ok? I've been searching for him for years…

Wee Nudge – Comments

Published on Friday 3rd February 2017 by Sean Walsh

Awesome… In the real sense of the word… How very nicely you have touched on Christ’s humanity, and the centre of the Gospel message. Thanks for sharing your heart. You sound as though you have experienced much loving kindness…

Dave Armishaw. (Canada.)


“I have just had the most unexpected, brief, immersive encounter with language and storytelling that I’ve had in a while. It’s a gem. Gorgeous language and meter, crisp imagery – one of the most important moral teachings succinctly, beautifully delivered, in just over three minutes.”

Sean Wiegand.


‘Profound, poetic and passionately spoken. In fact, it speaks of De Mello  for me. Love and a little more effort on my part to go deeper into the person of Jesus.

Celine Bourke.


Very moving and honest… Your use of words is skilful as ever but your transparency of spirit is what makes the piece!

– Philip Curran.


A great poem. I love the structure and the feel of it. It is truly incarnational and gospel centred.

M H.


Don’t tell me you’re not a poet! A masterpiece!

  • J D NotLad.

I found this very moving and relatable. The Christ we approach in brokenness and humility is the same one who got calluses and slivers in his father’s shop.

Dave Armishaw.


Keep up the great and good ministry of the Word which is so unique to you.             – Martin Hogan.


 Thank you so much for the beautiful poem, it was a fascinating read… I found your You Tube video amazing…

                                                – Siobhan McCarthy.


What a beautiful poem!  Such a profound message and yet so simply put in a lovely poetic style. I really like it and find it very inspiring. Well done!

  – Kathleen Farrell.


The pertinent truth is that the Master has never turned away a gentle, “wee nudge” as my friend, Sean Walsh, an Irish playwright has reminded us. His YouTube video haunts me in the idea of approaching Christ gently, knowing you are welcome.






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